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WILDFIT 90 Day Challenge


If you’ve had an awful day, what should you do? Eat!
If you’ve had a fantastic day, what should you do? Eat!
If you’re bored, what should you do? Eat!

Decades of food marketing have taught us to view food as the go-to solution in every life situation. There are two major problems here:


This way of thinking puts humans inside a food prison; it gives food the power to define and control our emotional and physical lives.


Almost all food marketing messages point toward highly processed foods that are making people sick, overweight and nutritionally deprived.


Doesn’t reading that make you both angry and incredibly sad at the same time? If you’re fed up with this dysfunctional approach to feeding ourselves, you’re in the right place.


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If you’ve tried everything but still haven’t been able to release excess weight, you’re in the right place.


If you’re sick and tired of feeling powerless around certain foods and want to genuinely enjoy healthier foods (but aren’t sure that’s even possible!), you’re in the right place.


If you have goals and dreams that would be so much easier to achieve if you had more energy, better sleep, and improved focus, you’re in the right place.

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What is WILDFIT 90?

WILDFIT 90 is a transformative health program that teaches you how to permanently change how you think about food, and what you eat.


This is a food methodology that works for people who want to release weight, gain or maintain weight, athletes seeking peak performance, or really, anyone who wants to live longer and with greater vitality.


WILDFIT 90 will teach you how to train your brain to stop wanting foods that aren’t good for you and to start wanting foods that truly nourish and energize you


#wildfiteesti #toiduvabadus #foodfreedom

Welcome video from WILDFIT Founder Eric Edmeades

Some results from WILDFIT clients

WildFit is a program based on results...
90% of people who start the WildFit program complete it!


7 Things You Should Know About WILDFIT:


This is NOT a temporary detox or short-term cleanse.
WildFit is a lifestyle, and WildFit 90 is about spending a dedicated period of time easing your body into this new way of living and eating.


You’ll never be hungry. You know those programs that try to teach how to endure deprivation? This is not one of those. You’ll be satisfied every single day.


Our exercise requirements=ZERO. We would never (never!) encourage anyone to not exercise. However, most people think that exercise is the greatest key to changing their body, but it actually isn't. It's almost always about the food you're eating. That's why WildFit focuses exclusively on nutritional choices and food mindset.


No more "I'll do it someday".  WildFit 90 has been intentionally designed as a timed process to help you achieve significant results in 90 days (and in most cases, less!). This program is designed to create change in your life NOW.


We won’t sugarcoat it: This won’t always be easy. Some changes will feel effortless and others will really challenge you. This is why the community and coaching support are so invaluable. You’ll be supported every step.


There are no special foods to purchase. WildFit 90 does not ask you to purchase “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. All the foods you’ll be eating can be commonly found at your local supermarket.


This is so much more than a nutrition program. WildFit 90 is also a major personal development journey. You'll walk away with greater clarity about yourself, why you've made the choices you have, and how to create sustainable change in your life (inside and outside the kitchen). 

What exactly is included in WILDFIT 90?

WildFit programm

The WILDFIT 90 Group Experience, includes:

The WILDFIT Video Training Program

Through over a dozen in-depth videos, WILDFIT founder, Eric Edmeades, will walk you through the food mindset and lifestyle changes at the core of the WILDFIT philosophy. Eric’s style is conversational and down-to-earth, so you won’t encounter any confusing science terms. Each video training is straightforward and easy to understand right away.


Weekly LIVE coaching sessions with a Certified WILDFIT Coach Ermil Miggur

Every week, you’ll join a LIVE video coaching session where you’ll receive direct support and feedback from a Certified WILDFIT Coach Ermil Miggur. These weekly coaching sessions are a time to check in, be encouraged and get your questions answered. 


Private WILDFIT Community Space

Committing (and sticking) to any lifestyle change is that much easier when you’re surrounded by like-minded people. This private group will help you stay on track and be a rich resource for recipes, motivation, and support


Living WILDFIT E-book

This e-book will help you integrate everything you learn in WILDFIT 90 so that after the 90-day program is complete, you’ll have a clear roadmap to keep living the WILDFIT way.


Recordings of all LIVE coaching sessions.

The recordings will come in handy if you have to miss any of the live coaching sessions. Re-watch them as often as you like, during your 6-month access period.

Welcome to WILDFIT family!

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Your WILDFIT Coach Ermil Miggur


If You want to join my English class contact me

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